Pulpo a la Gallega Recipe: A Classic of Galician Cuisine

Pulpo a la gallega, also known as pulpo á feira, is an emblematic dish of Galician gastronomy. It is a simple recipe that highlights the natural flavor of octopus, seasoned with basic ingredients that enhance its delicious taste. Below, you will find a traditional recipe to prepare pulpo a la gallega at home.


  • 1 octopus (approximately 2 kg)
  • 3-4 large potatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sweet paprika
  • Spicy paprika (optional)
  • Coarse salt


  1. Prepare the Octopus:
    • If the octopus is fresh, it is advisable to freeze it beforehand to soften the fibers. Completely thaw it before cooking.
    • Clean the octopus well under cold water to remove any residue.
  2. Cooking the Octopus:
    • Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil without adding salt.
    • Once the water is boiling, dip the octopus three times (quickly submerge and lift out of the water) to prevent the skin from peeling during cooking.
    • Leave the octopus in the boiling water and cook over medium-high heat for 40-50 minutes, depending on the size of the octopus. You can check if it’s done by piercing the octopus with a fork; it should be tender but firm.
  3. Cooking the Potatoes:
    • While the octopus is cooking, peel the potatoes and cut them into slices about 1 cm thick.
    • In a separate pot, boil the potatoes in salted water until tender, about 15-20 minutes. Drain and set aside.
  4. Assembling the Dish:
    • Once the octopus is cooked, remove it from the pot and let it cool slightly.
    • Cut the octopus tentacles into slices about 1 cm thick.
    • Place the potato slices on a large plate or individual plates, forming a base.
    • Arrange the octopus slices on top of the potatoes.
  5. Seasoning:
    • Generously drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
    • Sprinkle coarse salt to taste.
    • Dust with sweet paprika and, if you prefer a spicy touch, also add spicy paprika.
  6. Serving:
    • Serve the pulpo a la gallega immediately, preferably on a wooden plate, as tradition dictates.


  • Pulpo a la gallega is best enjoyed with good Galician bread and a glass of Albariño or Ribeiro wine.
  • To further enhance the flavor, you can add a splash of white wine vinegar to the octopus just before serving.

Enjoy this classic of Galician cuisine and surprise your guests with a dish full of flavor and tradition!